Friday, August 13, 2010

Don't forget to cast your "kitties!"

Thanks to everyone who has been attending "The Tragedy of Icarus" at the 2010 Minnesota Fringe Festival. It has been an amazing experience, and its not over yet! Two more performances to go!

If you have already been, and enjoyed what you saw, support my show and cast your "kitties" and write your review now! It's your chance to fulfill the old adage "everyone's a critic"!

Here is a preview of what people are saying about my show so far...

"After watching the show I was so proud of my cousin Josh. Does that make my opinion bias,maybe? But the stranger sitting in front of us, who commented on how extremely talented Josh is, appears to have a fair and honest take on it. Although this was written, produced and performed by Josh to help him process his thoughts and feeling about the death of his brother Derek, I feel like it was written for all of us. And for that I thank you Josh."  by Natalie Plumley

"the backstory to this brief (35 min.) but very compelling piece makes the performance exponentially more resonant. larson is a stunning singer, an excellent actor, and an adequate guitarist. i admire his bravery for confronting his loss through his art, and i wasn't alone in my tears at the curtain. the most moving show i've seen thus far." by mark browning milner

"If you have experienced the loss of a close family member, you should definitely see this show. It was very poignant and personal and I loved it." Thanks, Joshua. by Linda Hayen 

Happy Minnesota Fringe Festival 2010!

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